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"As I see it, we live time backwards, or, to be more precise, our subjective category of time experience (in the kantian sense of the term, the way we record our experience), our experience of time is orthogonal to the temporal flow itself. there are two different types of time: the time which constitutes our experience or perception, structure of our ontological mould, an extensible variable similar to space - this is real but the outer temporal flow of the universe shifts within a perpendicular direction. These two conceptions are real, but with our experience of time, perpendicular to its real direction, we have a totally wrong idea of the sequence of casual events in mind, of what happened and of what the future is, of the place the universe is heading for."Philip K. Dick

Since the coming of virtuality, for soon a fifteen years, the experimentation of an unforeseen categorization of the standard distribution of conceptual modalities had provoked the dispersion of the intuition of the traditionnal phases of the system of judgements, which arranged them up to now. - if it is reasonnable to think that such an ailment haver ever affected any supposedly clear conscience - It is hence logical for everyone to look in vain for any applications.

It stands to reason; the art of expressing the dependence of mankind as regard to what can be given a name leads up to the currency of paradoxs. A philosoph's mania. Man is a being and not being a logical composition of same and other. At the beginning of the century, between higgledy-piggledy inventions: the radium (Curie), the instant soup (Liebig), the electron (Becquerel), the drum brake ( ), the service station (Durand, Dupond, Morgan), the cinema (Lumière),... the costly creation of the last two or three romantic operas and some incertain geopolitical sharings, preceded and followed by their usual warlike exchanges, minds eager for truth looked for its supposed structure. Choosing now insanity, as a field of method, now preferring to follow the rougher footsteps of luminous materialisms (Cassirer, the Vienna circle), they thus made Artificial Intelligence and the pure powerful thinking-machine arise. They had sorted out in passing two or three logicomathematical deadlocks, all of them being expressions and stamps of the beginning-of-the-Krisis, the thinking of crisis.
Diligence of thinking, in Paris as in Berlin, everything is right. In the congresses, in the debates, in the colloquia, in the learned societies, in the journeys, in the London press cocktail parties everything is OK, the french-speaking cartesianism holds on. True. Clear. Seminal. People pragmatically fly thanks to some international dashboards with integrated conjunctures. Rewards are pulverized; widespread interconnectings of the open object systems on the transcendental Washington-Tokyo axis where everything floats. But on the European side people remained calm, sensible, even wily, and with enough elegance; just enough, they did not, as they say, lose the "north" place, scarcely only a bit of its south because we have to bow before the evidence, in most of the areas, cut up by the Greenwich meridian, on the surface of the earthly ordeal: the end of the present instant is to lead the preceding minute to the next one, but that all the same demands a bit of an effort.
This is a symptom! Are all the symptoms convertible? The crisis symptom. "As far as we know, about this obscure symptom, it is not worth finding out what it is all about, for if we did knew it, it would not be obscure anymore". Massively parallel architectures and the development of objects-languages they're associated with make imperative to every self-thinker, the philosoph, users of systems, a reappropriation of the data, centred around the Idea of a science of the being as a being, metaphysics. Some undertakings have already started with this innovatory approach: the communication of information, concerning concrete utilizations of a pattern of abstraction corresponding to an adaptation to change, in a universe conceived and representated by all of us in a chaotic way.

Even if some rigorous poetic rules can pretend to have today the benefit of the Artificial Intelligence's capacities and possibilities and somehow of speculative doubts upon the role and function of virtuality, when a poetic society self-applies its methods, does the making of feasability lead to its existence? The aim of the present project is the practice of this assertion. But what is the being mode of virtuality?

Virtuality partakes of empiricity, as of transcendence beyond truth and falsehood. Virtuality is a probability of creation. And as "it is as possible to give a definition of the concept, as to establish directly the concept of some object". (at the beginning, the concept is the idea, an idea that goes through your mind, an endaesthesy ), the concept is first of all a mental phenomenon, the term subsequently refers only to the logical functionning of this phenomenon for ideas come to the fore in mind as forms.The form, the architectonical reason, the one according to which work is made, in the artist's mind, and today "we all are artists", "the form indeed, the ordered list defining given or built up classes of objects, is perceptible by each of the individuals making that class up, wether it is possible to isolate them or not". This definition tends to demonstrate that the strict application of a method aiming to actualize a concept fosters the rising up of organization, of the means and the approach of the condition of poetic action, which defines itself thanks to this concept.

Therefore. Since. Or. Concept is an operator. Active: it gives the possibility to change of atmosphere, passive: it demands forgeries. Because, don't get mistaken, artists are great enactment sellers. The Concept of the society of sublimation. The other connecting of connecting. The other.

Therefore we ask ourselves the question of the metaphysics symptom, and of its (exchange) value in the 1994 AD. world? Metaphysics offer other paths to thinking but like communication, these paths are not natural to mankind. They always need to be reopened. Mind is by nature inequal to itself, as it is an unsuccessfull currency - a transcendental marketing is an act of mere vandalism (is being true being disinterested, likely to welcome any disappearance of the self whatsoever?). Therefore, is it sensible to pretend to actualize one of the major symptoms of thinking, Metaphysics? Can it be put forward as the model of all expert systems and situated on a commercial viewpoint? In other words, can the concept be applied to an economy: establishing an exchange value between a "conceptual design" and the dream of occidental thinking. How, why combining ubiquity with metaphysics and virtuality? Let us think about it, and then in order to begin in accordance with the clichés, with an apory: is the "virtual" property virtual? As "the word dog doesn't bite","Ubik / the metaphysics of virtuality" is the generic name of the project.

Or how Hrmhs thinks he is going to find the listing of the supposed values of Mind in a design.
The Symptom is traditionnally the Mind. And here we are, provided with more or les well-shapely crystals in significantly liquid programmes. Between the both extreme effects of a civilization in permanent crisis and optimism remaining the supreme form of distress, let us have a close look at this symptom. What does characterize the development of would it be only one simple language are non-general elements. As certain phenomena, similar to some of the fine arts, would demand, they say, to have their signs or scale changed in order to be grasped, apprehended, assimilated, "understood"or as we sing them along, redraw them or having them in mind once and for all. According to exception and,of course, the ruleBrilliant, those paradoxs are phenomena condensators. In terms of experience and in other terms, they are aiming at resistance. As it is. Out of which: Ubik / the metaphysics of virtuality, engineering of resistance to the phenomenon, facsimile of impure reason, empirical and transcendental at the same time.

"If the world became smoke, would we communicate with our nostrils?" Heraclites, fragment 34

And if conscience became no more the object of a science (psychology) but of a traffic, if we became virtually utilitarianists: could conscience be virtually projected onto (under) the form of undertaking? In a word: is wealth likely to become a logical category? Is that dream able to trigger off the attention of some investors in the (totally arbitrary) field of economy, of the ontological argument?

The feature of what is possible, of conditionnal, potential, imaginary, or the crisis of virtuality. How the appearance of the phenomenon is identical to the representation of its symptom?

How to situate metaphysics in a commercial viewpoint; how to implicate the concept in an economy?

"R r r p r. k r a. Kraandl. Then, but then only. My eppriftaph be wripfen. Finished. Let's begin!" Joyce, Odysseus I

LOGIC: this is the domain of the famous concept. To produce in sending out possibility (simple aptitude to existence, but all the same infinite power) and generality, symptom of the meeting between universality and particularity. And if not all the concepts were conceivable? "When the concept did not fit exactly into the nature of things as it would happen if continuity was the fondamental law of being, logic would no less than keep its formidable value and given that it is as little possible to give the nature of concept a direct definition as to establish directly the concept of any object" (Hegel 1816)

"If cinnabar was now red, now black, now light, now heavy, if a man turned now into one animal, now into another, if earth was now covered with fruits, now with ice and snow, my empirical imagination could never find the occasion to get in mind the heavy cinnabar with the representation of the colour red, or if a certain word was attribuated now to something, now to something else, or if the same thing was called now in a way, now in another way, without having had any determined rule phenomena were by themselves submitted to, No Synthesis of empirical reproduction could ever take place". (Kant 1781)

The first concepts were maybe swearwords, but in order to become passwords First of all and immediately there was the first generation of concept: the onomastic generation. Full of hope, for the gestion of Idea implies -intransitive, still nowadays- it implies what hides inside Idea, what lurks into light itself And it inevitably concludes of its intelligence. In brief, the whole problem of innovation is about its cost in habits. Factually, when we have recognized the "concept", we can pretend to believe that it is the concept, which opens the eyes. It is its role. Everybody knows that, comprehension is no more than a virus, even amongst the less favorised. And it is not improbable that life could begin or could have begun with a disease. Optical optimism, therefore concept merchandising is the conceptual concept.

So then? Can an abstract entity, a conceptual monad become rich with the support of a couple of logics and aesthetics fervent followers?


PRIVATE DOMAIN / PUBLIC DOMAIN This is an expert's idea, the "self" is a right-minded small business and crisis is a form of the adjustment of needs to ressources. Simple idea, metaphysics: between the present instant and the following instant, crisis is customary, and its thinking is thus entitled as a concept. Yes, in business as well as everywhere else, concept is ressource. Human business thinks and human organizations structurally produce operating knowledges, suspended in their applications. Between reality and its thought representation analogy demands to be powerfull. But, in human order, deficiencies are only about imagination and the order of upsetting or symptom is only the repression production and reproduction of its applications. Happiness doesn't imply comfort but wealth implies the consideration of value. The art of that ethic is to accept the art of value, in essence economic.

To invent by applying is to undo one's symptom.
Attention: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

"In matter of wisdom, decrees or hypotheses stand for consumption, as they are no more independent from each other, because reason demands the avoidance of multiplicity in hypotheses or in principles, more or less as the simpliest system is always preferred in astronomy." Leibniz, Speech of Metaphysics, § VI.

"Den sparsamsten einfachsten begrifflichen Ausdruck der Tatsachen erkennt sie "die Naturwissenschaft" als ihr Ziel." "The science of nature recognizes as a goal the most economic and simpliest conceptual expression of facts."

"Die Wissenschaft kannals eine Minimum-Aufgabe angesehen werden, welche darin besteht möglichst vollständig die Tatsachen mit dem geringsten Gedankenaufwand darzustellen." Science can be considered as a matter of minimum, which consists in expressing the facts in the most perfect way possible with the least consumption of thinking.
E. MACH, Die Ökonomische Natur der physicalischen Forschung, p. 236

"Semper scilicet est in rebus principium determinationis, quod a maximo minimove petendum est, nempe ut maximus praestetur effectus minimo ut sic dicam sumptu."
"There is always a principle of determination in things which can be drawn from minimum or maximum, that is in order for the greater effect possible, so to speak, to be produced at least cost."
Leibniz De rerum originatione radicali (§4)

The economy of concept: Thinking the fact to go into action and actualizing the present thinking.

Process. Imperative. To think. To spend. Indeed, whenever the concept wouldn't exactly coincide with the nature of things as it would happen if continuity was the fondamental rule of the being, logic would nonetheless keep its awesome value. When a poetic society applies its methods to itself, the making up of feasability would lead to its existence. This is a question of belief. Virtuality exists from the projection of at least one element, necessary for its "success": adhesion, belief in its concept. All the same.

"One needs chaos in oneself to father a dancing star" Frederich Nietzsche

"With the cybernetic equivalence of both notions of information and non-entropy our conviction asserts that the material universe which have been studied by physics isn't the whole of universe, but that it conceals, shows and let us catch a glimpse of another much more primordial universe, of a psychic nature, of which it would be like a passive and partial clone."

Costa de Beauregard. Le second principe de la science du temps, Le Seuil, 1963, p 14.

The great topical was wandering about in the too famous concept's great manor. Concept,the symptom of method, rested on an idea, on the paradoxal evidence that metaphysics is a social science, submitted to the risk of present. Let us carry on. Thinking, can it deduct a laboratory out of its symptom. Regarding this cultural argument concerning the auto-financing of pure idea, it is to be noted that this thinking, is, from a logical point of view one variant of the ontological evidence. The cooperative of concept is a poetic commercial operator. It is a virtual society with a variable capital, its object is to enrich the Concept which pays those who have decided to work for it. The preceding propositions will possibly look like a manifesto, we will not escape from it, but these are only propositions. Indeed, these propositions open fronts, those nomotechnical incidents are unavoidable and the remark is, as it has been said, logical, because every beauty is first of all logical, since it is a drive.

In a certain way, art is a theory about how the world appears to mankind

"Ubik / The MetaPhysics of Virtuality" also asks the question of THE ENGINEERING OF KNOWLEDGE. Engineering is here concieved as a practice of aesthetics, a science of the economy of transmission. That is the idea of a virtual society with a variable capital based on the interaction of the members who found it. Its object is to enrich the Concept which pays those who have decided to work for it, aesthetics being in a steep way under the obligation to rest on an exact science.
"It can seem almost ironical that it is precisally during these years that we have succeeded in tracking particles and individual, isolated atoms -and thanks to varied methods- that we have been obliged to give up the idea that makes of such a particle an individual entity which "identity" remains in principle eternally. On the contrary, we are now obliged to assume that the ultimate constituents of matter do not have any "identity". When one looks at certain type of particle, for instance an electron, in a given instant and in a given place, this is to be regarded in principle as an isolated event. Even if we observe a similar particle in a very short instant after in a very close place to the first one, and even if we have all the reasons to suppose a causal connexion between the first and the second observation, the affirmation according to which it is the same particle which has been observed in both cases does not have any true significance. Circumstances can be such that it is highly relevant and desirable to express things this way, but it is no more than an abbreviated way of putting it; because there are other situations in which "identity" becomes entirely devoid of meaning; and there is no clear border, no clear distinction between these two occurrences, there is a gradual transition through intermediary situations. And then I ask you to be able to stress on this and I ask you to believe in it: the question is by no means about saying that we are able to assume identity in certain situations and that we are not able to do it in some other. It is out of any doubt that the question of the "identity" of individuality does not have any real other significance".

"Lendi kilauki milandu vua, buna ngye mpe kilauki"
"If you've followed a madman on nine mountains, does that mean you're mad?"
Bakongo proverb

The object of Ubik is to carry out the emergence of concept in our cultural and economic reality. The surrealistic object is dreaded by the unconscious, as it can be said by the rumour coming from Douala or Toulouse, it does not necessarily implicate that the subject is acting.

The "Ubik / The Metaphysics of Virtuality" project rests on people interested in the constitution of a data, an expert system which discursive bases are widespread in Europe under the rubric UNIVERS CITY TV / THE CATHODIC AGORA. These people being gathered together in the form of a network are as we see it able to carry out in real time, in a social and economic environment that begins to think about its peril, an epistemology of the industrial formulas of action regulation known under the term of engineering. Can this function be detached from the other functions: cognitive, expressive, phatic, referential technic? Can it be isolated from the context of the other fields of semantic research, in particular of the media? This is what we have attempted to check out practically with the experience of "Piazza Virtuale".

Poetry feels, too.

The Ubik project carries on that notion of multiplicity, duplicity and ubiquity of the desire of thinking to transcend our conscience of the world which has been pragmatically experienced in the Piazza virtuale project. The aim of the project is to test the validity of its concept. As happiness does not imply comfort but the consideration of its value, the art of such an ethic is to accept in any circumstances the art of its value, in essence economic, par excellence, as inventing in applying is to demultiply its symptom: but be careful: not to demultiply without any necessity. In matter of wisdom, decrees or hypotheses stand for consumption
The composition of the teams who worked in this project is organized within the frame of artists who have been conceiving their practise for twenty years as the setting up of new aesthetical patterns. At the present stage of experience the operational centres of UNIVERS CITY TV are now organized into Media Bases through the world (Lyon, Paris, Caen, Poitiers, Marseille, Nancy, Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, Riga, Moscow, Ljubljana, Milano, Barcelona, Vancouver, Quebec, New York, Nagoya and Tokyo).

"Whoever imagines any dispositions aiming to change an existing situation into a preferred situation, is a designer".

Those artists have specified their support to the principle of "Ubik" in accepting to meditate upon a first, metaphysical formula: "is beautiful what universally pleases, without any concept". Those artists claim that this definition is useful, and that it is up to each of them to look for its meaning in the core of the Ubik project about a generical term entitled "visual Esperanto".

Putting metaphysics into virtuality is at the same time a philosophical and a commercial act, it is a poetic gesture implying the Idea (Poetry. Economy. We call by that name several expressed principles now in the form of an epistemological precept, now in the form of a cosmological or metaphysical assertion, but which interest is always to provide a basis to the critic of hypotheses. It is said in the same sense Principle of Economy). Ideas are non-predicative functions. A lure.

The form of the project is an hypostasis, the subsequent stages of which are advisably to be viewed. It corresponds to the preleminary phase giving the possibility to precise the object and to preserve its concept. That approach lies on the basis of the power of the concept itself: when a society applies its methods to itself, at the condition that the commercial reality is suitably understood, the making up of its feasability must lead to its existence. This is not the roundabout figure of the ontological argument in a commercial space, but a way of stressing that the material element of any success lies on the basis of membership. The project of that metaphysical undertaking is the coordination of each of its members' projects, the transfert whose aim is the intelligence of action. This is made possible by the coming of multimedia interactive digital techniques that give us the opportunity of being silmutaneously from several places and milieux at the same time thanks to the telecommunication networks.

Ubik Game

Today, each thinking being (the famous res cognitans) is potentially a developing being. The Newtonian revolution being carried out three centuries later. Data processing, epistemology, it is not worth carrying them but let us remember about it: impulsion is the domination of the whole by the part. The principle of "Ubik / The Metaphysics of Virtuality" is therefore the principle of the selective scattering of information. In Ubik, each action initialized by one of its member has virtually the ability of reacting upon the whole of every other members' project. "Ubik / The Metaphysics of Virtuality" is a project aiming to examine the feasibility of interactivity, in order to establish a shared language based on digital techniques. It means to have a savoir-faire at its disposal.
What is the place of communication in an economy of conversion?
Transmitting. Deciding wether knowledge is unmovable, transferable, transmissible

"Ubik / The Metaphysics of Virtuality" lies on the basis of a practical methodology.

  • MEDIA BASE: Research laboratory: formalisation of the research procedures, selective scattering of information.
  • WORKSHOP: Setting up of seminars / workshops in reference with the object.
  • DATA BANK: Engineering workshops of knowledge: formalisation of skills in expert-systems/knowledge Data.
  • POOL SYSTEME: Projects carrying out workshops in contact with the laboratory and the production forces. Projects management, delegated technostructures (inference, standardization and skill optimalization motors).
  • POOL PRODUCTION: Cultural and event engineering structure orientated to aesthetics through the setting up of interactive audio-visual programmes and multimedia shows.

If logic can be given for the rational style of action and if to think is no more than to invent the object of one's meditation, how to activate, to offer, to negociate, to perceive, to defy, to choose the undertaking of one's present ours: a laboratory of reality. Daily life, lived with all the force of conceptual meditation. Nevertheless, that undertaking works like a system that realizes its own conditions of effectivity. Commercial, transcendental And many international firms already talk to infinity. Ubik economicly adjusts needs to ressources in matter of research. Ubik is a project, the aim of which is distinguishedly to examine the feasability of the actions it projects."Zetetical" is its method, a tool, an organon. Ubik is a scholarly society of knowledge actualization. Captures, scattering. It proposes an action style, Skills it selects to all those who are convinced of the relevance of Idea and Concept instead of the projected action. Our true wealth is now future (we say "virtual" today and in essence intangible): but this is already the crop of one or several approaches of innovation.

Favouring innovation as a perturbation, the clash between object and an industrial activity constantly to be re-invented and its potential; integrating a piece of information in the structure of remembrance and experience shared from an organization of "subjects". Fields of innovation are created in the space of the possible errors of action. Even though the habit of developped societies imposes the non-immediate idea, that every error is an interpretation placing straightaway every programme planner in an husserlian universe, every error is actually a mere heuristical clause, a regulating principle leaving unchanged the consistance of a precise theoretical model.

Zetetical partner, Ubik / the Metaphysics of Virtuality designs the physical persons, the organization or society in position to conduct and to set up from one end to the other a research project dealing with its (physical, metaphorical or virtual) object.
Mediate and immediate mind applications. Tabulating and more or less thinking. The object languages. Writing is even flatter, Mac Luhan and the knots. Technomania and the laboratory interconnectivity of the self. The technopaths, the connectical unconscious and the cogniticians. Catharsis and logics of the unforeseen, strategies and reckonings. Engineering and poetry. The outline of poetic communication: the anomaly which has its rules, eminently dialectical ability.


Research conceived in relation with its communication, that implies an open laboratory, those topics will be developed by experts ( biologists, cyberneticians, lawyers, economists, the results of research are hoarded in a data bank, the seminars participants of which will contribute to the elaboration of a specification of inference motors.


Constitution of a personal interactive data bank.
These research seminars proposed to creators, engineers and the people deciding upon the human enterprise mobilize the ressources of traditional thinking and artificial intelligence.

Philosophical data bank

Philosophical data bank.  The self-expert system. Symptom and cybernetics. The mirror stage and the crisis of virtuality. Concern of a research. An intelligent data: "the field of philosophical excitability is stretched at the four corners of a Nothing". Kant enumerates them as following: ens rationis, a void concept without any object, nihil privativum, the object void of any concept, ens imaginarium, a void intuition without any concept, nihil negativum, a void object without any concept: the "no-thing"52."Fourth dimension"* of the being, "the objects consist intaking part in the realization of a conceptual (and philosophical) data bank, activated by a connection research of solutions to locally asked problems. It would be possible thus to create a philosophical data in which  anyone could verify the theorical presuppositions of his project by consulting the encyclopaedias of theories that deal with it. The software will make up logical lines that would have to be followed in order to  reach the aim of the project according to the most suitable theorical parameters.  

Universal input-output

THE LABORATORY OF THE SELF. Sciences of cognition elaborate -as philosophy does- the question of the nature of mental objects, representations, "internal" objects, mental pictures, concepts, thoughts…    in order to explain a whole of observable phenomena  according to clearly specified hypotheses. Economic. Economy. We call by that name several principles expressed now in the form of epistemological precepts, now in the form of cosmological or metaphysical assertions, but the interest of which is always  to provide a basis for the criticism of hypotheses. We say in the same sense "principle of economy"

Modelling of cognitive processes

What happens in a society in which communication is made compulsory? Is it really worth aspiring to such a knowledge? What is the"gesture" of artificial intelligence? Transport into inorganic? Artificial Intelligence is not the clone of thinking.

The enterprise's unconscious.

Cybernetics (or computics or data processing…) are hardly interested yet in the too famous unconscious. This or that doesn't fall into its competence. Machines, indeed, are sometimes slips/lapses of the tongue, a couple of witticisms, and even failures, but as a last analysis, all of that remains human is a well-known conjuring trick: "if the rabbit comes out of the hat, that means the rabbit was  in the hat." Unconscious and neuronal or subcognitive level54. Alternative to the reality of subject and object, is unconscious conceivable as an expert system of symptom? The Freudian hypothesis rests on the idea that  many judgments are integrated by the nervous system as far as "non-conscious" is concerned, that conscience is not - no more than communication- natural to man, that man only thinks when he does not have at all the means to act in another way, and that some of his exceptional recordings can last in the whole of an individual's life who can transmit them symbolically to their lineage or their entourage.

The enterprise's nervous sytem

This seminar "is aimed at all the people who spend their professional life in organizations, and their privacy tempting to flee it" 

The enterprise's dreams

The UniversCity TV network projects a certain number of dreams through its enterprise.

  • FOLKLORE: the reflection carried out by the members of the network on contemporary folklore leads to view it as the expression a people (clique, tribe or group) proposes or (re)presents to the other (the foreigner) in a view of schematic identification. That more or less conscious expression is aiming to give a "good impression", to give a satisfactory image of themselves, acceptable by themselves and for the outside world.
  • THE STRATEGY OF BEYOND: Our purpose is to establish a mediatic bridge between art and industry, a laboratory looking forward to establish a constructive dialogue. A cathodic workshop that would give us the possibility to visualize the new networks of communication, being built all over Europe. A virtual place where meet without prejudices , East and West, South, North, where everyone can present his point of view, discuss, exchange, communicate.
  • VIRTUAL ODYSSEY: Practical works and research workshops set up with 2nd and 3rd degree Art schools students from Poitiers, Hamburg, Nancy, Marseille, Karlsruhe, Paris and Caen. Interventions in international happenings such as Osnabruck festival (1993), Bonn Videal (sept.1994) in the form of an interactive multimedia opera in which cyber-actors play the characters and situations of one of the founding texts of our civilization.
  • UBIK / THE METACITY: The interactive telecommunications device which links the european cities. Numerous experiments on Hertzian, cable television networks and satellites have already been carried out; constitution of a digital memory56 and development of a theorical and technical research based on computer meta-languages. Luxembourg, 1995 european cultural town, invites us to set up that plan of action in the course of august 95

Analysis and synthesis of value.

All the memories of carried out actions are recorded, analysed in order to carry on the production  of the value of our concept. The value of idea is equal to its psychic profit.

The chaos of market

Do we have to admit that men are not producers, that happiness bores them? Theirs tools were nonetheless good tools. But they do not use them. A model of engineer escapes from the ethico-political interrogation.

The financial gloom.

Depressions, transferts, involvments, semantical convulsions between bankers and psychoanalysts.

Involvment. Apathy.

The financial crisis and the failure syndrom amongst risk analysts.
Mythological reasons.
Epistemology in real time in the enterprise.

The crisis of virtuality.

How the representation of a phenomenon is identical to the simulation of its symptom?
"The artist captures the message of the cultural and technological challenge several decades before its transforming shock is made felt… He is now prone in order to reduce the risks of social wreck to leave his ivory tower for the control tower of society.

Raw financial transferts and negative technology.

Also and about the third-world and the resistance to development.

Gilles Deleuze: "Because memory, indeed, is no more the faculty of having memories; it is the membrane which on the most diverse modes (continuity, but also discontinuity, envelopment etc…) makes the layers of the past and reality appear, some emanating from a within always already here, the other coming from an out always in becoming, both gnawing at the present which is no more than their meeting."

The communication of research.

Widespread interconnectings… Alert! Fom now on, the I.S.O 58 model from extends the simulacrum of the ontological argument to objects superior to God. Such an integration is planned to foster the uprising of some psychic enterprises in the next hours. Liturgical norm-quality and standardized transcendance, Vatican 9001. Attention. Alert!  Electrical Dyonisos. The experimental emperor.

The plot of present.

"I would imagined very well, and I would even obviously wish new speeches took in account a kind of intermittence, a certain fragmentary nature of exhibition, almost similar to the enonciations of a portic or aphoristic type and those speeches could constitute a theorical, fundamental speech."Roland Barthes, VH 101 N°2, Summer 1970.


Hermeneutics becoming anew the supreme science, ubiquity suddenly becomes the utopistic process in which the artist plays with the concept of the metaphysics of virtuality in order to tempt to solve the secret of the enigma.
This document is aimed at architects, heads of vocational training and internal communication managers from large groups having already re-introduced the teaching of philosophy in their enterprise, researchers in human sciences, editors, computer scientists, research engineers, jurists, mathematicians, musicians, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, painters, physicians, company heads, institutional and union officials - C.N.P.F,…UNESCO, departments, Chamber of Commerce, local authorities professionals, sociologists, town planners…artists…who feel themselves involved in the process of the solving of tensions and interested in a research laboratory.
  • Workshopsanim

1+1=11, interactive installation by UniversCity TV and STATION MIR in the field of  the festival BANDITS-MAGES in Bourges, may 1997

animUbik-Amos  interactive, multimedia workshop,
Live TV programmes channel 54  Amos-Abitibi TV from 04 PM to 07 PM
On-line website of the Symposium "20.000 lieux sur l'Esker"  from 7 to 20 july 1997 ABITIBI-TÉMISCAMINGUE. QUÉBEC

Paris, mai 1994

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UniversCity TV has obtained the  Eureka audiovisual label